New Post
No new posts? No new recipes tried? No lovestories spun? My long time ago journo friend, even came to an extent of suggesting, showing AGE on you!
So, I decided, that the next time idea flits (another friend of mine suggests carefully dropping out the 'r' from 'flitting'), I should obediently open my notebook and keep jotting.
I read my friends blog, where she was babbling about, Manjushree Thapa's short story collection... Ummm., the good things in life... reading books, listening to songs that your friend introduces you to, the smell of baking cake... and getting jealous when your best friend gets another 'bosom friend'.... he he (i am kidding annie)
Hmm, its travel time again. Rajasthan is the destination. I hope to get loads of pictures and then blog them all.
Till then, shaadi girl and shaadi boy keep jumping!!