Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Ice Shots- and a Saturday night to remember

I had a great great Saturday night after perhaps ages! For a change I did not mind the music that the DJ played, was it because he wasn't belting out Bollywood numbers? This comes as an after thought because at the Shisha floor we were requesting the DJ to give us a Chhammak Chhallo or Jalebi Bai, if not the Oooh La la... however, the Cindrella Rule prevailed.. which meant not until the clock struck 12 would the desi beat fill in our spaces.  But well, isn't that the time when you also must pick the trails of your gown and rush home? Lets have masti till then!

I had fun... great fun... I took to the dance floor like fish to ... ah ah...  don't gimme that smug look... I know I am using a cliche again... .But  dancing without that edgy thing we call inhibition is really liberating :)
Probably I am finally in plane with some of my friends when they shook their legs in utter masti. I am reminded of Annie, I used to think she was lying when she said she was high on that glass of wine!

I was thinking about college days. Parties which I never connected with well.  My friends had fun which I could never understand.. It was all so foreign, so tiresome to me... Shaking your body to blaring music... wondering how my Grandmum would react to the gyrating hips and grinning at this thought. This is one craziest thought that pops up each time I am at disq. Does this dimesnion exist in her life? Well, how would world be when my baby grows up..will there be parameters or planes that I never can fathom?

Back to the dance floor- it was empty and  inviting.  I did not mind swinging alone, jhoom barabar :). Suddenly there came a girl and yeah  she started to dance with me. Covering the entire floor... crossing the floor... and full time masti.. And I was just 2 breezers down!

I loved it.. I loved the fact that I had dressed up... A nice black top that I had bought with Annie 2 years ago.. Glad that I fit back into it! Dressed in black, a pair of beautiful crystal danglers... looking sensuous and so much at ease... Loving myself, loving  being in my thirties.. (And I know I am going to look and feel better with each decade... Each decade is going to be better than the last one... I feel like a caterpillar who has just got out of her cocoon and become a butterfly. I know I am beautiful, I know I can write, I know I am loved. What else do I need....? A fat salaried job... :)

Yeah, wanted to tell you about the half moon I saw from the terrace of the lounge....there stood my moon, sliced into half... Like a watermelon slice that has been out in snow... Comeon, this is signature Vid... The half moon and the watermelon that has been out in the snow... Annie, you would be proud of the stuff that i will write someday (soon) .. No more mushy but love that will pull the strings (a cliche again....argh!)

Okay... and the black round tray that the steward held in his hand resting by his feet... it looked like the moon had come down in his tuxedos! (this i swear is getting a lil too much...) And the moon and the watermelon both professed deep love for this beautiful and sensuous woman who was beholding them!

And I felt so much of bliss in that wintry morning... oh yeah, the forbidden hour had passed and Chhamak Chhallo had been danced to... Now, that we had left the crowded floor to catch a breath in the lounge, I had the moon  serenading the once upon star struck lover. Why, I have come to realize that it was the moon that finally stole my heart while it was among the stars that I had looked for my love :)

To writing, to loneliness, to boredom, to stillness....

'You  still have that spark in your eyes...'. Six years later he takes a look at me and comments. I smile. Is it a wry smile? What's a wry smile, really?  And why do I smile?

'Why don't you write more often', he tells me umpteenth time. I try to smile, a  wry smile? I am not really the J.K Rowling you dreamt your daughter to become.

You could be earning by selling your writings. Only if I wrote too well or too often.

I do not know what to write? But I miss writing... I miss writing mails, poetries, love stories... I miss being that crazy me who used to write...

whats my excuse...no one writes back to me...:(

I have lost my pals...wherez Annie? wherez Mr. Madly in Love with? Wherez 4842? wherez the gang??

why am i cribbing at  this hour...my daughter has crippled the space bar...is writing going to be fun now??:D

let me go sleep...why are you so curt...or so concise...where is the detailing...


and i procrastinate..