Man, am I not happy!
Wow... I never knew comments would make my day. Probably it is the only kick to the writers or rather blog- writers (i like it better than blogger!!). How much we thrive on it.... this thing called feedback!
I read few posts that I had put up ages again. 2007, 2008 ... and comments on those articles that appeared much much later that I had stopped visiting my own blog. You know when I make a post, I come back again and again hoping there is a comment. That somebody passed by, read, and smiled. That somebody thought ... wow, this was nice. I know I can write. I can. Oh, yes I can. But it helps when you read! :)
I want to be a writer. I perhaps forgot this. Now I know it again. Vid is born to write. There has to be a very readable piece. What will it be? Collection of short stories? Probably. I don't think I can yet write a novel! What will I write about? I tend to rely on my own experiences. Once a guy I knew had said- vid have a great life...something that could be made into a movie... ! Well, I could write a book!!!
So, how would it begin. Childhood memories... the school I went to ... the shabby toilets in the school... eeeks... My wish to change my school. Get into a better, respectable school.
Well... that sounds boring... where do we get from schooling... College! No college romance, dude!!
I could rather write about people... interesting people that I have met. Some at the airport, some on trains..some in family. People that I fell in love with , teachers that I looked upon , friends that were never friends, friends who became family, and family that never was a family.
Should I write about how I have come to love Linus. How it started and how it turned out to be. Oh, well no mush! :P
I could may be write about a girl who loved comments. Who loved to receive answers or rather long answers to her letters and subsequently emails.
I love it that M loves books. Its like I am this little baby and I have these wonderful books and the wonderful story teller. My story teller was my sister. She had wonderful stories for me. I wish I can give M a great story time. Stories for kids? Another JK Rowling in making!!!
Happy Commenting!