Short story book- with one of my stories
Hi friends,
I am proud to share that my story has been published in a collection of short stories. It would be lovely to get yr feed back. You can get your copy from flipcart.
"Consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative" - Oscar Wilde
Hi friends,
I am proud to share that my story has been published in a collection of short stories. It would be lovely to get yr feed back. You can get your copy from flipcart.
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Friday, March 30, 2012
Often in life, it happens that we delude ourselves into believing that we are someone that we actually aren't. It happened even with Jack Welch. But he was lucky, he found that out very quickly and so he did not have to become just another guy with white starched shirt and well pressed suit tangled in the net of bureaucracy. He remained the guy with the Boston accent and his stammer. I on the other hand have changed. Both in appearance and ideas. But I am not sure if this is me or someone else. With time we do evolve. We mature, we change our outlook but do we change as a person. Why do I feel that the ME 10 years ago is not anymore with me.
Today, I was walking on the road with the same gait that I used to have in my college. That cool dude kind of... not at all lady like. Lot to do with how we dress up that we change our personalities to match our outfits. So clad in a pair of faded jeans and an old favorite shirt, I felt like the old me. I walked into the premises of BSNL with such spring that my 3 year old PUMA sandals would allow in each of my steps. I had gone to complain about my Internet connection. Felt like a student again...faced with connection problems!
So, there is a lot again on my technical to do list. Like get a servicing for my HP pavilion. Similar to getting the old desktop to the servicing center in kathmandu. What connections I have with Kathmandu!
And there was another thought about friends. Where did I lose my friends? Did I miscarry? I sometimes feel...the emptiness that one might have after a miscarriage. You do not have a baby but you miss her/him. I do not have Annie but I miss her ;). Do not have her as a friend anymore. She has become abstract. I used to specialise in personalizing abstracts. But she is someone I do not want to give to much of a thought. Because that reminds me of not having her. And that we are no longer in same planes. That she has probably traveled and achieved greater miles that it would be such a shame to call out to her.and such other BS
time to go to bed....
i like being this ME.
how many MEs are in ME...:)
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Friday, March 30, 2012
Welcome to my corner. Here you will see expressions from daily life. Expression is perhaps the beauty of life. The snow, the sand, the ripples in the lake and smiles, tears and flutters of the heart, are they all not expressions to be treasured! Here is my attempt to capture a snapshot of these expressions in life.