Lost and Found & marketing Bakery Cafe :)
In some ways I think I am helping create a lot of electronic WOM (word of mouth) for the Jawlakhel Bakery Café. As it happens to be close to my school, and as it happens that me and Annie (my best friend) are avid coffee lovers, we have been frequenting this café. So I was there last week, Annie and me too engrossed in our girl talk waiting for someone to take our order. I was over the moon talking of my new found love (I will post a blog about my trip to Calcutta and what treasure I have finally found there).
The waiter came, and he asked us to move to some other table since a bigger group was coming in few minutes, we obliged. We looked around and then walked downstairs, made ourselves comfortable and ordered. My regular tall Cappuccino arrived , while Annie had her shot of Espresso. Espresso tasted terrible that day. We talked to the Floor Incharge and he replaced the coffee.
So in an hour, the twittering girls left, and left behind a new blue water bottle. I have been hooked to this water bottle since I am back from Cal. For one whole day I looked for the missing bottle. Looked everywhere at home, asked the attendants at college to check if there was any bottle, wailing to get home… finally it dawned on me, Bakery!
Day after, we walked in Bakery again, this time to discuss about our MIS project. I immediately cornered the first waiter I saw and elaborated about my 1Litre, blue capped, transparent bottle with Spirit written on the body. The guy shuffled few drawers and gave me a blank look. I asked him to go down and check, since I had shifted downstairs last time and had coffee there. This guy in turn asked me to do myself the favor and go down and check. So, I said, ‘ I am going to be upstairs and get some coffee, and I would like to get my bottle back when you get the check’. He got the message. I got the bottle.
Hmm… two important things…. the coffee replacement, and the bottle I found back. Makes me feel good about Bakery. However, why aren’t the staff a little more polite, concerned and at your service????? Restaurants are frequented not just because the food there is good, or the coffee is awesome… the whole point is the experience.. Here in Nepal I think we are missing in selling experience while we keep serving the creamy Cappuccinos in not very tall mugs!
In case u hadn't noticed, I had posted something to do with service at Bakery, altho in a different location. http://milanpradhan.blogspot.com/2005/10/rhymes-of-paradigms.html
By the way, let me spoil the surprise. Vid found her 'hum suffer' in Calcutta. And she hasnt' been her usual self since. She's literally walking in the clouds... floating around in the 7th heaven. the 6 footer angel took her there. Leaving us all high and dry :(
milanese .... why do you have to be the way you are.... Hmmm... leaving high and dry.... well... for one thing, i wouldnt want to leave my customers high and dry.. Customer?? hmm... only regular reader of my blog..he he..
anny ways... more about hum SUFFER soon!!!
think we getting more of the much talked about cappy and s-pre-show... as i think we caught u slip more than 10 times was it? can't keep his name off your lips for what even 10 minutes... 10 cathces in 2 hours is pretty cool job huh mini milano? let's party 2moro... WOM should be profitable to the concerned co. i s'ppose ;> n ya, that bk is a drag.. but think i'll drag along for once... after all it's the great welch... let's c wot he has in store.
oye zanie mori..
coffee...hmm..too much coffee is harmful to health...says who? Welch... he he he...
btw btw...if this game of yours is the final one..i would be game for coffee but continue torturing me...and i will have the six footer take care that you guys cant harass me any longer :))
ani ani... keep reading :)) and have fun...
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