Wednesday, April 18, 2007

While blog hunting

My time pass these days is extensive blog hopping. I hunt and I hop! Yesterday I found this wonderful advertisement blog,

They talk about brands and I simply love talking about brands. They have this interesting thing they call ' ad trivia' where they ask you to identify the brand they are talking about. Yesterday I identified the brand and did it correctly and among the many correct answers I was picked the lucky winner.

It made my day today, when my friend visited that page, saw my name and then mailed me about it! Hmm, just like that I thought I would tell you all about it. YOu can see it here


1 comment:

Bong Mom said...

Hey Vidwata
Just now saw your comment on Alu-Posto. That was one of my initial posts and I did not measure while cooking. I still do not like measuring but I do now when I want to put it on my blog :)

I will give you an approx. measure. For 2-3 medium sized potatoes, take about 1/2 cup of Poppy Seeds. Soak and grind the poppy seeds to a paste. Or if dry grinding, mix with water to make a paste after grinding