Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Swara and Avnish

Finally I write about them... or finally some one has been curious??

Well... what do I talk of them... People tell me that they are sweet names... After a series of deep thinking each night, debating on one name and then the other...finally I settled for the two..

Avnish is another name of Lord Ganesha, I had read in the Internet. And it means the lord of the earth.

Swara (I am still wondering if it should spell Svara but I think without the 'w' the name lacks the power.. ;) ) is a sweet name.. it has an S and a V (I guess w means two v ;) )

Hmmm... have to see them and touch them in order to write about them...

Will do the writing after I get back home..

till then,



SUSANT said...

Hmmm..Have you really written what I understood by reading it?...If yes then Congrats to you and Linus.

Rohini C Sekhar said...

Hmm...interesting vidwata...really interesting...the names are really nice...the little chit-chat we had before you left about the 'black dot on the forehead' was nice...this podt is nice....

SO.....I would have thought there was some good news...but well...since i read your later post first, hmm....there was no surprise...but I'll be waiting to know!

Hows you now? Keep in touch, dudette!