Friday, September 04, 2009

Why Marry?

There there, I am not starting the annoying debate on marriage. Nor am I pondering upon the reasons of the institution called marriage. ( At this point I am however tempted to ponder why marriage is called an institution anyway). Hmm, let me brush away these distracting thoughts and tell you about this fascinating drama (not the one you are thinking about!). Well, Why Marry, is a drama penned by Williams, Jesse Lynch, 1871-1929.

Snuggled in my bed on the right side (Linus's side of the bed!) on a wet European morning after a good breakfast I nestled my laptop on my lap and began to read, Why Marry. It was not by curiosity that I landed up reading this drama. I was looking up for free reading material and I stumbled upon

It is a great resource! I immediately jumped on the prized collection and after a casual browsing decided upon Why Marry? It is a Pulitzer winner drama. It was a nice read. Simple, honest and dusted with a subtle sprinkle of humor! What really amazed me was the essence of marriage or rather the doubts or the questions that the contemporary youth has. Mostly what bowled me over was the fact that the author was far ahead in time in his thoughts. He had a created a NEW WOMAN. The woman you see walking by or working in the next table... This was the NEW WOMAN at that time.. The challenges that this WOMAN sees in her marriage are portrayed so well in a drama of that era.. Be it a balance between life and work... or unsettling truth such as financial dependence is what a woman must have unless she is willing to give in to the legal prostitution which we call marriage. This is a rather bold statement that the author makes.. I am amazed he could think like this at that time...that era!

You must read the book, because my description is neiher a review nor a synopsis. It is just an instant reaction about certain portions that flash in my mind. It was quite witty when one of the character discloses that when he got married a quarter century ago, he asked his new like tutty-fruitie... The shy bride turned pink and nodded a YES. For a life time together the couple suffered innumerable helpings of tuttie fruitie because both abhored it and were just not able to say it for the other's sake!


Now a lil bit of an update on VID... Vid is holidaying in Europe...Drinking hot Douwe Egbert choclate, watching the rain shimmer in sun like snow before it touches the ground, wondering if life is actually passing by or standing still and reading a little bit... Also she hopes her spurts of writing continue like the shower in the Netherlands!


1 comment:

Rumela Sengupta said...

Have you read Conjugal Love by Alberto Moravio? Can lend you if you are interested. Will open up another perspective altogether...
- Rumela