Monday, November 07, 2011

the Past that won't go Past

It has come back
and it clogs my mind
it haunts my soul...
and HE tells me, let go!

I have shut my eyes
I thought that would help me erase
But it stays put, waiting for me to open my eyes
and HE tells me, let go!

I forget...
It is nice this ways..
I forget moments
I forget the Past...
but I haven't been able to let go

When I remember it again
It comes back like an eager child
Climbs and clings
and refuses to go...

I try to pretend
It never happened
I never was there
I was born today, I baby myself...

I know I have stopped turning to HIM
but HE gently reminds he is there to take care
If I can't let go today, I will be able to tomorrow...
And I fall asleep...

No comments!

well... sometimes we got to deal with what we've got!


* The space bar being pulled out by your little one and you fix it and deal with a hard to press space bar:P

* Friends like Annie who never call..

* Friends like Sri who never call either

* Knots

* No comments on your posts..

* No Great Ideas to write a post..

* No friends for a coffee gup!

* Wet pants of your baby...

* Going to a party the same evening when he's left  , sigh*

* extended family.... my MIL says one thing on extended son and as many daughters is a boon than vice versa...even in a SONcentric society that we still live in..

and  some poetry..

Midnight and you.. 

it was by and by that the night grew
it was by and by that love grew
it was by and by 

Now that i know that i am in love
Now that i feel you when you take me in your arms
I wonder which story did you come from
one of those that i wrote in pensiveness

Why did i not know you
why did i have to seek you
but i did and we met
and jab we met...
by and by it happened

by and by the night grew
by and by our love grew
by and by i was yours
by and by we were us

Good night Sweetheart...

Tuesday, November 01, 2011


Am teaching my little one to ask!

  • Ask for water when you want 
  • Ask for food when you are hungry
  • Ask for lullaby when you are sleepy
She asks...

Now for my readers..
  • Ask for the kind of writer up or a write up at all you want to read :)
  • Ask=comment