Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Out of Hibernation

It is a rainy afternoon. I walk up to my window to watch the rain. I look at the coconut tree bathing lavishly. What a wonderful shower, I smile to myself.
I am thirsty and Lakhan, our kitchen staff comes to me with a glass ful of coconut water. I relish each drop of it. The glass leaves a round stainon my glass top desk. I pick the glass up, and quickly wipe the surface with my palm, deposit the glass on the floor and continue to write.

Write about what?
This morning when I went downstairs with Linus, I thought of just writing about my morning. As a stay at home kid,it is like my friend leaves early for his school. After he has left there is little to do, no one to play with. And like a mother would humor her younger kid who still hasn't joined school my mother in law fusses over me.

Linus and I wake up around the same time. I sometimes take another 5 min nap, while he is reading Economic Times. After shower we both get ready for our breakfast.I hurry through my breakfast to keep my pace with Linus. Someone should advise him to start chewing his food. I wonder if he ever buys chewing gum. I wonder because I fear he will gobble it down too!
After breakfast, Linus will hang his bag over his right shoulder, carry his lunch box in his left hand and stand in front of the door, waiting for me. I step into my slippers and we both get inside the elevator. I press the G button and the lift goes down. Outside our gate we wait for his pick up. It is almsot like seeing your elder sibling off to school and hoping that next year you would be joining him to school.

We stand outside for about 5to 10 minutes. Linus remarks, if the Tata Sumo which carries the school children from our road has not yet come. We look around observing if the number of cars parked on the roadside is less than usual. We both smile in case we talk about the kiss in side the elevator.

His bus arrives with a zzzzzzz kind of sound that we can hear from a distance. Because the bus traverses a bend, we hear it first and then we see the yellowvehicle. We say our quick byes and off he is to work. While I walk a little distance and reach the neighborhood temple.
I will talk about the neighborhood temple in the next post. For now, my morning after my visit to temple continues into room cleaning spree and then to an extended afternoon. Will write more on what I really do in extended afternoons and small evenings!

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