Saturday, December 02, 2006

one stray thought

reading blogs because..
your friend writes it
if they are not of friends' u think who ever write are intelligent than you

Hmm... why is it that we just begin to look up to few individuals... just like that

with the least bit of communication... not necessarily have met...
is it just because they work on some technology that you do not know
or that they know more computer languages, can deal with set theory with ease..
hmmm....why does logic supersede.. or does it..

hmm but reading few blogs, far and in between... realizing there is some song called baanwara hey man (of Hazaaron Khwaishe aise), then liking it so much.... then watching the movie....

and yes getting affected too... but not realising details.. the irrelevant yet present details...

any case... the mood for now...

these guys must be real ppl like me....
simple n funny n perhaps jerks at times...

hmmm, this is strange... thinking few ppl are fictitious... ppl exist... I KNOW FOR SURE NOW

time to go to bed...
have a nice weekend.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmmm... it happens, when one tends to think too much.
Even the movie, don't dwell on it too much. I bet its a very 'normal' person of very plausible intellect who penned the song, he must've got lucky.
