Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Poorani Jeans aur...

Nostalgia, is it?

Last night I was driving my same old car. After more than a year, driving 4842 had been slightly difficult. But last night I was driving alone . It brought back memories. Memories of those old days, driving home in the evening. Almost dark. Driving alone. Yet not so alone. I remember so well talking to myself or was it talking to someone else. There was a someone who used to occupy my solitude. My thoughts of a faraway lover, an invisible beloved. Who was not there, yet was there. 'So much in love with the idea of love', my friend would tease me. I even had a poster which read, I am already fallen in love and now I am waiting for some one to fall in love with me. It was cute poster, showing a teddy fallen in a nicely lit well.

One fine day the invisible beloved would become visible. 'And he will do pattar pattar (prattle) in Hindi sitting next to you', Annie would comment as our gang would sipping coffee in one of the cafes in town. We would slyly exchange that knowing smile. I couldn't share my fantasy of an invisible lover to all, could I?

Such is youth. Love fills your heart to the brim . My ride last night revived those crazy old days, and I realized I have become wiser, (should you read OLDER!).

This is an aimless post, let me link it to Milan's jumbled love poemto make some sense out of nonsense!


Anonymous said...

You have become OLDER no doubt ... but WISER ... nah ... ur post talking about ur invisible beloved prove that u were not WISE then and u are not WISER now. NOW at least ... be WISE ... go back to the empty pram ... the unfinished story of Yathartha and Reena and prove to everyone ... not only can you drive (u drive everything well ??) ... you can THINK as well ... and that you have finally become WISE. This is a bonafide advice from an already WISE boy to a could-be WISE WOMAN !! Enjoy KTM ...

entropicbeauty said...

2 things made me sit up and take notice..

first the mention of the name Annie..reminds me of John Denver's immortal love Annie..there's an Annie in every single person's life I guess.. :-)

second a question..why does the imaginary lover come to life everytime? why can't he retain his immaculateness while staying away from reality?