Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Face lifting!!

Hmm, Jo Bhi tells me my blog needs face lifting. Well a writer isn't a writer if she cannot take a critique without a pinch of salt...err is it sugar JB?

Now that JB has been featured in my blog, I am sure he has already thanked lady luck et al, I should respond to the face lift!

Once-upon-a-time (it was how I was tempted to start today's rambling, however..) I had had good thoughts on weight lifting. Those cushioned dumb bells for the females in form. Argh.. had it not been for the feministic flame in me, I would have probably goaded MOM into buying me those dainty things. But as I was, I did attempt some lifting of what was left of my uncle's not so once-upon-a-time gymming equipments. Now since I did not fracture even the tiniest bone of the little finger, it isn't worthy enough to be mentioned here (JB take cue, you have been featured and bestowed an honour you barely deserve or rather rarely deserve!!!)

Ok, so that was about the weights in the lifting. Next to that was my obsession for lifts themselves... I mean elevators. Brought up in a country where people still believe we ride bullock carts, elevators are hard to imagine. No wonder during my trips to Indian metros, we would devise games to get out of the tiny apartments and take lifts in the lift! The liftman would let the kids in vacation a few trips up and down!!

This is not really touching any nerve at all, this meaning my ramble. It ain't so far humorous nor the emotional bit that perhaps VID has the penchant for (ahem ahem). Very well to raise the sagging spirits, there must be a lift... So I lift a passage or rather an excerpt from what one reader had to say some time back..

i occassionally visit your blog to read it! it is interesting! the loss of form (and all else) is visible, but its very interesting... i'd rather suggest you should write... i wish you come back to form... ofcourse if you wish to, and if you are still passionate about it... you are just lovely in your writings...:D ok ok... otherwise too, i'm sure...


Now I hope that works super. Makes this post nice...with a 'hat ke' flavor. And perhaps answers few idiots who dared to tattle 'if Reena's ramble (wish I were taller and prettier, see The empty pram) were a candid confession.

So, yes a little up lifting would not do harm to this lovely writer. Now for a change why don't you readers do your bit. And throw in your bouquets!! in words.

Comments won't hurt, neither you...nor me (ouch!!)

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