Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Some Q n A early morning

Do you know what a whiff is?

A whiff is a whiff is a whiff!!!

Why do we seek permanence in life?

Life is a whiff?

And what is a whiff???

Perfection cannot be in permanence. Isn't it true that you the precious one is also changing each moment. Look inside your body, many cells are born and many die. You are made of infinite new atoms. Look out, you are not who you were yesterday. Change, they say is the rule of nature. Change some say is the only thing that stays.
What a paradox!

So, what is love? Is it like a dew drop dancing on the edge of a leaf (I have read this line somewhere.... long time back.... in the library of my university during BE.... guess what i was upto reading such stuff amid gruelling vivas on electrical and electronics..)

Love is not permanent... it is not eternal... Love just is... It is no use seeking the answere whether it is permanent or temporary. Because in seeking you lose the essence of it.

Last night, before going off to sleep I said to Linus... when someone dies... she dies alone. She leaves behind her parents, her spouse, her children.... all of them who she had professed profound love for. But you still die... Die alone.

We are mortals... then why do we seek foreverness!

with this I end my blabber for the day.

Forever a writer ;)


Monday, September 22, 2008


It was another ordinary day and another ordinary walk. Had circumstances been different, I would never have remembered it. But chance had it such that I would keep going back to that day, that moment in time. It was a simple moment. For the first time in life I understood what 'freezing' means. Literally.

I hadn't frozen out of fear but some unexplained feeling. There I had to decide to walk one way or the other. I had reached another fork in the road of life. My walk would now have to choose a path. Was it chance, choice or comparison... I do not know. When I recall this incident after having chosen a path I thought was more secure or say safer...I often end up explaining my choice. It is then I realize that it was not my choice... because I couldn't have compared between the two. Comparison degrades. It was chance... it was fate... it had been already decided for me. I just walked. It was already written..

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Cheap Thrills

Why do people watch horror movies? Quite a common question. With an equally common answer- it gives a kick to the adrenaline.

This post doesn't come in response to RGV's Phoonk. I had dismissed Phoonk as another movie I wouldnt watch. I am not into horror genre at all. You can call me this typical girl who enjoys watching romcom... I also enjoy thrillers like Sarkarraj, A Wednesday, Kaun some rare offerings by the Bollywood... But then we are not talking about my choices.

My first experience with horror was Zee horror show. The ghastly faces spattered with tomato sauces made the tween in me cup my hands over my eyes. Years later Carrie was the only movie that I have watched of this genre. Me and horror movies are like impossible. Even Adidas cannot change this :P

Yet, the twist in the story of my life is such that I am here trying to write a horror story... not long it is going to be a 400 words long tale. It is a TOI competition ...and I thought let me try my luck... Get my name printed on TOI- the spell bound page.

To say the least, i am freaked out... because what ever i imagine turns out so funny... sample this... cold water bottle piercing into the chest of the man who is about to sip.... a man watches a horror movie to realize that he is not who he is .. He is the ghost- the man who was murdered ten years ago... And he finds his killer from the movie...and ..

No more..

I will post the story for you to have a nice laugh when I finish.


who said horror was just cheap thrills, it is huge amount of freaking hard work !

Monday, September 01, 2008


This blog has been abandoned or so it seems. A friend of mine, rather a colleague of my hubby and an erstwhile neighbour of mine had once commented that a 'majestic' marriage has made me quite unimaginative. Hmm, even if I don't disagree, I am forever reminded of these words.

Why should something/some event make you unimaginative, I ponder. In the background I hear Linus yawn twice. He must be glad that I seldom post my silly thoughts in the blog. Good for him, he doesnt have to track it any longer. He must have forgotton that I write altogether. Well, I myself had.....almost!!

There are few faithful friends (gee, I know you visit once in a while) who just come in to check upon the good old vid. Blogs, you see are an excellent networking tool, better than orkut atleast. Here you would know what your buddy is up to... a silly poem on yawns or an interesting love story...

Hmm, should I make a promise about writing. I guess I should apologise first. Really?? Well, not really. But lets try and make Vid's corner a once in a week affair.

What say? any readers!! (any takers!!!)

Till then,

