Sunday, May 21, 2006



I had it...
I had it deep
I had it wild
I had it fierce in me.

But naieve I was,
I let it out in open,
And there came a stranger
And he took it away.

I want it back,
Why did I let it go?
How come I dint realize
How come I let him squeeze every drop of it
Why did I let him take my passion away?



She wakes up from her dream in the middle of the night. She just saw her beloved. She turns on her bed, and stares at the empty side. There she had seen him, and now the mischivious lover hides away. She runs to her mother, and she gasps for breath while she squeals, I saw him Mother,I saw him. 'Ah!, poor thing, he is away, miles away in a foreign land. You haven't seen him dear.'

She lets her old mother retire back to her bed and off she runs to her sister, I saw him, dear, I saw him!, she gushes. 'Ah! you silly girl, you have just had another dream. Now be a good girl and let me sleep in peace..

Off she rushes to her room, and shuts the door tight. Then she talks to her dream, and tells it, eh you evil dream, why do you play games with me. Why do you show me his picture. Why did you tell me he's come? They tell me I am a fool, and they all laugh at me. It is all because you ... you silly dream. Now out you go from this room, from the room of my thoughts. I will see him when he comes in real... No more do I have patience to deal with you. So out you go oh silly dream!

1 comment:

Milan said...

First of all, I never wanted to come to your room. You beckoned me. And there used to be a time when you used to call me beautiful and lovely. Now all you say is i am silly. Let me say this: Why don't you 'off you go' and let me entertain more deserved people in peace.

God be with you,