Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Today's Banter

Let me talk today... It has been long since I did that any case. So let me talk!

Hmm, at present like a lady I met in the airport while coming back from Goa, I am a lady of leisure. I am doing things I hadn't known I would do. Things I hadn't known I would enjoy doing. Like, dressing up! It's amazing how a person discovers oneself slowly. Is it evolving or just discovering a hidden aspect of yourself... Discovering that you like to wear sexy dresses, like few girlz in college used to, that you like to swing your hips and dance wildly, or that you like to spike up your drink and loosen up a bit!

Favorite Phrase
I say hmms a lot of time. It's amazing some one can fall in love with these queer sounds.. They are interesting, if you go blank at a particular point of conversation, or when you want to skip few odd questions, or you just want the other person to keep guessing, you could easily smile and say..ummmm... Hmmm!!!

On food and paradox

Kolkata and food must have rhymed, but for some reason they just don't. I have eaten a year's supply of sweets already, and it's just been few months here. Now there is a paradox, I am thriving or gorging on food, while this desire to wear dresses which would flatter a flatter tummy becomes stronger :D.

One interesting facet of marriage is friendship... How I realise I have left many a friends, and befriended one. This one friend that I have for lifetime, and ... well, marriage doesn't mean you stop being friends with your friends!!! But relocating from KTM to Kolkata does mean, no more of scrabbles, no more of coffees at the Bakery Cafe, no more hopping in boutiques to get dresses made, no more eating daal bhaat and aaaloo at annie's, no more jumping at parties, no more cha cha with milan :P

But it does mean few other things, like celebrating Vikram's baby boy, who is just 2 days old. It does mean the next door Aunty stepping in to say a quick hi, it does mean dressing up for Priyanka's wedding, it also means becoming friends with mom in law :D

Now this is a difficult word, a difficult topic, a difficult area in life.... Let me address few dilemmas that we often come across.

Can a person be in love for sometime in life with someone, and then with someone else later on... Is commitment love? If you could have loved once, and then loved again... is it true that you have loved at all...

There is one lesson life teaches us all the way along. To be happy in what you have today. Because life showers the best to you each day. To hold ones head high and to feel the spirit within move with passion.

Sometimes, somewhere your passion might dwindle, but then, you are such that passion can never exhaust... It might seem so, but there is an infinite reservoire of passion from where one can draw the spirit, the vigor and strength to love, to love ones life... because it is precious!

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