Friday, March 18, 2011

Night out

What does night out mean to a mum of a 9 month old. Yay yay yay M turns 9 months tomorrow. So, well let me celebrate a late night in front of my machine. You do need some quiet time and a quiet corner to do your writing. The sound of the whirring fan is my sole companion. I am just hoping this piece is not punctuated by M's cry. Babies are such a darling. But thats not all to them. Ah, I only wonder how my parents survived 3 kids.

With the 9th month M is getting into a schedule now. Or rather a better schedule. She has started getting up on time which means she sleeps quite early these days. Touch wood. And well, she has taken to solids too. Is it going to be a mum's rant, I wonder!

Well, well, well.... I have become a mum! Celebrations!!!!!!!!!! ha ha.. Being a parent means such loads of responsibility. For an infant you are her sole care taker. You teach her everything... and one day they grow up , just like you and me did.

Hmmm... why don't I write often. I wonder how many of you drop by. A few I know. A few I do not. S''s comment on takeaway was lovely. It is strange how I have come to love S sooo soo much. Well... let me stop poring my sugary romantic thoughts and come back to writing. Well, I recently dug out my copy of Kotler from the spare room. It was lying under the bed. Uncared, unsung and unhonoured. So here it is back on my desk. And we read about customization and customerization. And I smile. I am not the same ME that I was when I used to take that book to school. I do not have the same pals that I had. No more of the pathetic coffee and rounds of scrabble and going home late. But I am glad I have found myself again.

Thank you Philip Kotler (thats his name, na! )

Love u


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