Friday, December 16, 2005

Smiles and Tears


when you are alone
when youlook up at the sky
when you are on the phone
when you are feeling high
when you see your room in mess
when you feel how unfair is life
when you take time to dress
when you KNOW you still don't have a wife ;) :p :))

Smile increases your face value! So smile :-)...well!!! you didn't smile... :> say cheese... hmmm... thats good :)

Smiles and tears aren't best friends...after a cry when you smile, the tears better go. Cause the smile is here to stay.

Often after you have shed your tears, you have a friend who is there besides you eager to offer you a smile. Well, times that I have felt like crying, I have cried. And each time, some one gave me a smile so that i could increase my face value ;)

Hmm... however, sometimes we take time, to collect that smile which we are being offered. We keep looking back at the rear view, at the mistakes we made, at the wrong someone did to you, or at what you lost and then...your eyes well up.. And salty water trickles down. You call them tears actually. Not that tears are bad. They actually eliminate the waste from your body ;-) and clean your eyes.

But you know, of the two, who you are better off with..So choose the better one, and smile once more.


Smile... cause someone likes you better when you smile :D

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