I have not been writing but I ought to. I sometimes wonder why I have given away my blog URL to people who could be my relatives... There are times when I want to write without bothering about being politically correct. Aint it already cumbersome to be in a world which wants you to be like that!
Nevertheless, like a shy lover who postpones proposing the object of his affection for the lack of ambience while walking on a busy street, I postpone letting my hair down to allow a stream of emotions run riot through words. Okay, I have already started getting poetic. If no one I really knew was reading this blog... I could swear that a good whisky would probably set the mood for a poet in a blogger ;)
Okay, enough of my multiple standards ( I knew you just turned your nose on my double standards)now lets begin on some good enjoyable conversation.
I know we have not had a nice chat for a long time. Much has happened if you ask me. And nothing has happened if I see it as it is. The same peaceful life, the same pace with which I have quite managed my short temper, the same high maintenance me, the same fuss about home cooked food,... thats how life has been... but let me look around me...
Shrawani is a young woman with delicate hands. I like the fact that her name begins with "Sh". Suddenly I wonder why is not sugar spelt SHUGAR! Ah, I have begun to talk of me again. Shoo, i must not do that. Let me tell you about Shrawani instead. Her cheek go red when I mention that she is looking pretty. Well, she is pretty. Pretty like Neha in Five Point Someone. And like Neha she has a deep secret. A sad secret. She has suffered a loss too or rather she likes to think that she has. No, she does not remember what it was. May be she has stopped acknowledging it after all. Is that why we call time is a great healer. After some time all sorrows begin to fall in place like the pits in the road through which you drive home each day. You know where the pot holes are, and you are apt at saving the bump over each one.
Shrawani stands by the window of my room and stares at the moon. The crescent moon, her lover. It is amazing how this girl could have fallen for a moon- a distant and a cold object. She now tells me that she no longer spends night in her open terrace staring at the moon. "How long could I have gone begging, asking him to come to me? May be it is a woman's vanity or may be I was brought back to sanity." I muse at the rhyming of vanity with sanity. She continues- Ah, yes it was a painful decision, but not something i came all of a sudden. I knew it deep in my heart that the moon I saw in the silver bowl filled with water was as illusive as it could be. I therefore let me heart bleed and I ran downstairs, never to step back on the terrace." I wonder what she meant, "never to step back on the terrace".
Let me also introduce you to Shashank. Slender, slightly dark and with that Buddha's smile, he is not exactly a picture of any young girl's hero but he is some material. This carefree devil has his own sweet charms. The way he wipes the corner of his mouth his slick ciggi as if wiping away an itch or the odd way in which he continues to stare at you while you are walking towards him. Well, this guy too has his own set of secrets. No, I do not know about those however. Guys you see are better at keeping their secrets. Hmm, girls must wash their linen clean...whether in public or private...but guys they will keep their dirty linen stacked in the laundry bag where it will stay as it is for days..months...years.... I sometimes feel what will I find if I dig deep down --- a dirty sock???
Now enough of these people... However, i must mention a sage I met today. She said she had conquered pain. she said...she had suffered like a butterfly caught in the net of fate... that with the loss of the ability to fly...the butterfly could only crawl on the ground. Now is it a feat or an accomplishment that this creature feels no more fear or no more pain. Can there be a pain bigger? If it is small it is nothing... I just dont feel it...
parting lines
These are again for those reader friends I hardly know, but who know quite a lot bout me. Thnx for asking after Linus. The guy is hale and hearty despite being married for now more than 2 years!!